Cable locator

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Cable locator

The Cable locator tab contains the following controls:



The Cable locator tab



Serial port settings


The Serial Port Parameters are used to specify communication settings for your auxiliary serial port. For most serial devices, it is usually not necessary to specify the Parity, Databits and Stopbits additional serial communication settings.


Port: Choose the COM port that your Cable locator is connected to on your device. The default is COM8.


Parity: Choose the parity of your Cable locator. The default is No parity.


Baud: Choose the baud rate (data transfer speed) of your Cable locator’s output. The default is 4800.


Databits: Choose the number of data bits of your Cable locator. The default is 8 bits.


Stopbits: Choose the number of stop bits of your Cable locator. The default is 1 stopbit.



Protocols settings


Protocol: Choose one from the following protocols


Leica Digicat Series - Digicat cable locators

3M Dynatel

SebaKMT vLocPro2

RD8000 - Radio Detection RD8000





 Connect  - Connects to the Cable locator


 Disconnect  - Disconnects the Cable locator


 Create New Measurement Layer  - Creates a point feature layer with the following attributes:


Click on to display attributesYou can capture the following attributes with 3M Dynatel


Click on to display attributesYou can capture the following attributes with Leica Digicat 200 or newer Digicat cable locators


Click on to display attributesYou can capture the following attributes with SebaKMT vLocPro2


Click on to display attributesYou can capture the following attributes with Radio Detection RD8000


Cable locator debug: shows NMEA sentences when the Cable locator is active.