<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Attribute Properties > The Record dialog box > Menu > Filter panel |
Filter panel
[ Clear Filter Conditions ] - Erases the current Filter Conditions. Once you have tapped/clicked on this button all records will display in the Record panel and also all linked features will be displayed in the current layer.
1-3 Data field drop-down lists: Lists all data fields from the current attribute table to select and create a filter definition. Altogether three expression can be combined to define a filter.
Relation: Lists the available operators to select a relation operator between the data field and the value:
o"=" Equal
o"<>" Not Equal
o"<" Less
o"<=" Less or equal
o">" Greater
o">=" Greater or equal
o"[+]" Field contains the given string
o"[-]" Field does NOT contain the given string
Value drop-down lists: Lists unique values in the selected data field to select an existing value from the list or enter the filter value.
Logical operators: And, Or
[ OK ] - Applies the filter definition on the selected attribute table
[ Cancel ] - Ignores changes and closes the panel