Raster layer formats

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Raster layer formats

Supported raster layer formats

JPEG file (.JPG)

JPEG2000 file (.JP2)

Er-Mapper Wavelet (.ECW)

Tagged Image file (.TIF)

TopoLynx Raster (.RAS)

ESRI Raster (.BIL)


Er-Mapper (.ERS)

Portable Nework Graphics (.PNG)

Paintbrush (.PCX)

Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (.LF1, .TF1 - CADRG)

Lizardtech MrSID (.SID) - available only in the desktop version

Windows (.BMP)


The following compression algorithms are supported in the Tagged Image file (.TIF) format: CCITT3 (), PackBits. Supported TIFF tag compressions: 1, 3, 32773

Not supported compression methods (TIFF tag compressions) : CCITT4 (4), LZW (5), JPEG (6, 7), Deflate (8)


k-tip-iconWhen you open a TIFF raster layer with an unsupported compression method, the following error message appears on the screen: Attention! Unsupported TIFF compression: LZW. In some cases you will see only the number of the TIFF tag compression method. See more information at: http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/compression.html