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Navigation:  Menu and toolbars > Edit menu >


dtToolLine Line

Activates the line feature type for data capture. Tap the map to add the vertices of a new line or polyline feature into the edited layer then Tap and hold / Right click to open the context menu and select Create to create the feature. Once you selected the Create option in the context menu TopoLynx topoXplore proceeds to capture attributes according to the Settings > Record > New record: <selected option>. The line feature type remains active for data capture until another tool is activated. The Line button allows capture on the screen with the pen or mouse but not with incoming GPS coordinates.


Keyboard command: L


Tap / Left click: adds vertex into the edited layer at the tapped location

Drag:  adds vertex into the edited layer at the tapped location using crosshairs

Tap and hold / Right click: displays the Context menu


Context menu



Undoes the last edit made to a feature

Opens the New vertex panel

Opens the Modify panel

Activates the multiline feature type for data capture

Undoes all edit made to a feature

Creates the line or multiline feature

