New vertex panel

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New vertex panel

The New vertex panel enables you to add vertex into the selected feature's geometry between two vertices by coordinates and by GPS. It also enables you to split a polyline feature into two separate features. When using it from the context menu of the Info menu > Measuring tools you can add the vertex to the red editing line to measure on the map.


This panel can be accessed from the followings

1.From the Editing context menu > Position menu option

2.With the Insert, Remove, Edit vertex editing tools


New vertex panel

NewVertex NewVertexDisplayed


East: Displays the current Easting coordinate of the tapped/clicked position as default. Enables you to enter the new Easting coordinate.

North: Displays the current Northing coordinate of the tapped/clicked position as default. Enables you to enter the new Northing coordinate.

Height: enables you to enter the Height of the new vertex that you can save with the [Insert Vertex] button if the the layer can store 3D-coordinate


 Insert Vertex  - adds the vertex with the modified coordinates into the selected geometry


 GNSS  - takes over the Easting, Northing, Height coordinates of the current GNSS position to add a vertex into the geometry at the current GPS position


 Cancel  - Closes the panel


 Splitting Polyline  - Splits the polyline geometry at the tapped position between two vertices into two separate features. Disabled when working with point and polygon features. Hidden when you opened the New vertex panel from the Editing context menu.

k-tip-iconHeight (Z value) can be stored in MAP, SHP, DXF layer file formats.