List handling

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List handling

The list handling area is marked with red line in the Layers panel



Layer Visibility


dtListVisibleAll Tapping toggle turns the visibility for all layers on/off.

dtListVisible Turns on/off the visibility of the active layer. Drag: turns on/off the visibility collectively.


When checked, the layer is drawn on the TopoLynx topoXplore map, provided that the map scale is within the range specified on the Scale panel of the Layers panel.


When unchecked, the layer will not be drawn.

k-tip-iconThe layer visibility settings can be stored in TopoLynx topoXplore Map file (.EXP) or TopoLynx Map Pack file (.DMP) formats.



dtListInfo Tapping toggle turns identify and snapping commands and printable legend on/off for all layers.

dtListInfo Turns on/off the identify and snapping commands and printable legend of the active layer. Drag: turns on/off the identify option and snapping collectively.


When checked, the layer is active for querying with the Identify and with the Search tool.

When checked, the snapping is used to the layer (and between layers) when creating or editing features.


When unchecked, the layer is not active for Identify and for the Search tool.

When unchecked, the snapping is not used to the layer (and between layers) when creating or editing features.

k-tip-iconThe layer identify settings can be stored in TopoLynx topoXplore Map file (.EXP) or TopoLynx Map Pack file (.DMP) formats.



dtListEditDraft Locks all layers.

dtListEdit Designates a layer for editing. Only one layer can be edited at the same time.


When checked the layer is active for editing. When unchecked the layer is not active for editing.


Edited layer



Editable layer on the map



Layers without a corresponding Edit button are not editable in TopoLynx topoXplore.


Layers are not editable due to one of the following reasons:

1. Editing of the layer type is not supported in TopoLynx topoXplore (image layers).

2. The layer is read-only. Vector layers can be read-only if the file permissions are set as read-only.


dtListLock Locked layer

Unlock a locked layer: tap on the dtListLock button and select the Edit option from the displayed "Lock / Edit / Point info" menu.

dtListLock_grey Not unlockable layer: raster layers and protected DMP layers


Lock: locks the active layer

Edit: edits the active layer

Point info: dtListPointInfo can be set to a point feature layer which collects attributes for vertices during a GPS measurement in a line or polygon feature layer


Lock / Edit / Point info menu


k-tip-iconThe layer edit settings can be stored in TopoLynx topoXplore Map file (.EXP) or TopoLynx Map Pack file (.DMP) formats.

Selecting for removing or merging


LayerSelect Tapping toggle LayerSelected marks on all layers for removing or merging

LayerSelected Marks the selected layer for removing or merging. Drag: collective mark


Layer buttons


dtListTypeSort Sorts layers by layer type.


Default order:







Text file or data table without geometry.

The layer contains points.

The layer contains lines.

The layer contains polygons

The layer contains points, lines, polygons: DXF, DGN only

Raster image layer.




dtListNameSort Sorts layers by name.


Name area


The default is the displayed source name for new layers added to the map in the list. The displayed name can be renamed on the Source panel.

Tap: designate active layer

Second (double) tap: opens the Classes panel

Drag: change the display order of the layers


List handling on the name area


k-tip-iconThe layer order can be stored in TopoLynx topoXplore Map file (.EXP) or TopoLynx Map Pack file (.DMP) formats.